La vida de Annie

By Annie

Sticks china, metal, rubber......

... and eyeballs.

Today #2 daughter headed off back to uni loaded with birthday presents and food provisions. Instead of the phone call to confirm she'd arrived safely, just before midnight we got a tearfully hysterical call saying she'd accidentally squirted superglue in her eye! This is precisely the sort of news which creates wrinkles, grey hair and high blood pressure/cholesterol in mothers, and should not be delivered late in the evening as it also ensures a sleepless night. Not much to be done from over 80 miles away, so told her to call an ambulance and get to the nearest A&E. Spent the next hour or so scaring myself by googling the super-gluing of eyeballs, complete with home videos (who would DO that?). I do now know how to treat super-gluing most parts of the anatomy, so it was a useful exercise, although there is no way to remove it from eyes and lips as a solvent is needed. Basically you just have to wait until the stuff comes unstuck all by itself, which could take days, although washing with warm water with 3% bicarbonate in solution will help reduce the damage.
Kids, eh?

*Update: the eye clinic have managed to unstick her eyelids the following day, and although she has a painfully scratched cornea there shouldn't be any lasting damage as long as she uses 2 sets of eyedrops for a week or so. I find it disgusting that students have to pay for their prescriptions; most are away from home for the first time and on a tight budget - how many choose food over medicine if they get ill? They have enough to get to grips with and deserve all the help they can get. First rant of the year over...

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