Jim- Happy Again!

By dougiebuster

Which a Come First....

...the Chicken or the Egg?
Our neighbours asked me to look after their 2 hens while they go on holiday for 8 days.
They seem to be quite happy so far.
I close them up in their plastic hi-tech coop in the evening.
Then I let them out in the morning.
Early PM I check on them, and collect 2 eggs.
Then repeat step 1.

Sounds fine....BUT.

What if they are attacked by foxes?
What if one or both of them dies?
How do you cure Eggboundedness?....Squeezzzthechicken??
What if one or both of them escapes?
Maybe Dim Dawg could help round them up?
Naa.... he can't even round up his tail.

I just hope they are both there when the neighbours get back!

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