Goodbye School

Today was my last official day at school, ever!!! :O
I had my last session of Biology revision which was fun because there were only two of us so we sat in a different classroom near the science staff room so all the teachers were around and were being quite entertaining! Also, one of the physics teachers found an old record and then he actually made a record player so he could play it, it was really cool!

Anyway, then we had our leavers assembly and a bbq and all the teachers came to say goodbye. It was a nice time although I did feel quite sad. School has had its ups and downs but now that it comes to it, I am sorry to leave.

Everyone left at about 4:15 pm but it took me ages to get home because I had to wait for half an hour for a bus in town so I went and bought a yummy drink from M&S!

Eventually got home, had tea and went to club. We had an Altogether and did some crazy team games - girls vs. boys. The girls won almost all of the games ;D !

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