Weathering 300 million years

We had planned to walk around the 10km base of Uluru this morning.

The "weather " put an end to that as we had a rare days rain at Yulara (AyresRock).

So for MonoMonday "weather"we had a few weathers

1.Rare rainy "weather" making the tracks wet, the rock start to weep and run with run off from the rain.

2."Whether" to walk or not. After getting a packed breakfast box we started out at 0617 with good intention, but the rain made the decision for us in the end.

3. The 300 million years of "weather" and "weathering" that had eroded the surrounding soil from the rock resulting in the huge rock as we know it today.

The rain and overcast conditions took nothing away from the rock. In fact having spent time around it in good weather it was so good to see the water running off the top into a number of small creeks.

Apologies foe the black and white, but Monomonday dictated that.

Yulara (Ayres Rock/Uluru ) weather forecast.
Rain, possible storms , temperature 14degrees to 25.
Rock climb closed due to rain and low hanging clouds and possible storms.

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