and remains of the woodpile. Last week of May and the weather's cool enough for a fire this evening. Spark arrester: check. Indoors: check. Bob, our choir leader, telling us tales about how people light campfires and leave them when they shouldn't and coming up with mean ways to educate people who were ignorant of fire restrictions in the forest especially when it's windy. He once came across an untended campfire and put it out with the only available extinguisher - the campers' drinking water! Drown - stir - bury.
Spent two hours at the hospital last night. No worries just reporting as instructed if I had a particular side effect of the blood thinners I'm taking. Back again today for follow-up blood-work. Hematocrit and haemoglobin going in the right direction . . . got a bit too much sun at the car show yesterday.
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