Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008


My first job of the new year is to photograph actor Steve Furst for The Sunday Times.

He's doing a read through for his latest play in Kings Cross and I get to shoot him in the two hour slot between the sun rising and setting in London.

Apart from doing a recce of the area to find spots where there is good light I limber up by taking a set of pictures along the bottom end of the Caledonia road.

You couldn't miss Scorpio, he was very tall and very crusty and quite scary looking. He was however very happy to be photographed and as camp as a row of tents. He told me that the inocuous looking building behind him is a mosque.

I also found i the same stretch of road what could be a convent, and the hardest looking model in a barbers shop window I've ever seen.

Mind you, that's Kings Cross for you.

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