All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Astronomical 2014

We had a quiet at home morning today because Ethan had a busy afternoon / evening ahead of him. Today was his gymnastics clubs annual show - Astronomical. We dropped Ethan off at the Usher Hall in Edinburgh at 4pm - felt weird leaving him there knowing we wouldn't see him for another 5 hours or so, apart from when he was on the stage. He trotted off with one of the helpers without so much as a backwards glance though!

We then met up with my friend Vicki and her husband at Jimmy Chung's restaurant where we killed a few hours before the show started at 6.30pm. Granny and Grandpa had come along to watch too. It was fab! The gymnasts are so talented and the little ones did so well too, very confident on the stage and staying wide awake even at the 9pm finale. I did get a lump in my throat though when I heard Ethan asking very loudly before he left the stage after his first routine "where's my mummy?" He wasn't upset though, think he was just wondering whereabouts in the audience I was cos he couldn't see me!

He was hyper when we collected him from the Stage Door afterwards and even stayed awake during the drive home. Finally got him to bed around 10.30pm and he was asleep within seconds, bless him.

Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take any photos or film the performance this year, so I had to take a quick photo of him outside the Usher Hall afterwards.

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