This day

By snapper

Skating on thin ice!

This is the three dogs doing a Torvil & Dean moment. Prior to my arrival at this loch, there was a morther, father ^& three young kids, youngest about 3 and they were on the ice ! I was shocked, I could hear the ice groaning and I can tell you I was uncomfortable with my dogs on it let alone 2 grown ups and 3 kids . You can never be sure even with this cold snap and God you would ahve thought adults especially parents would have had a bit more sense!

Think I will clear my desk this evening to make it condusive to good work practice and so that I can find things!

Still cold, still not much in the way of gritting lorries although the cooncil big wigs are back at work so the gritters had to show face! if there is a shortage elsewhere there isnt here as they havnt bothered to spread it, claiming to be borke as usual!

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