The End of the Tunnel

I am not sure how I feel about this pic. I love the result but it's more from Photoshop than the camera. The reason it's my blip for tonight is because of some comments from last night's blip. Some comments have prompted me to actually enter the Magical Entrance and continue with some type of story. I have no idea where the story may go because it will mostly depend on the pictures I get each day. Today, I knew what I wanted to blip for the story so I found all the element for the pic as I went.

So here goes (Beginning from the entrance from last night.) I may bastardize some Blip names as characters. hehehe

Scrobe had always been a curious boy. From a young age, what he shouldn't touch, he touched. What he shouldn't do, he did. And where he shouldn't go, he went. And so it was that he had found an ultimate prize. To go through the guarded entryway. That was what it was called... an entryway.. but to where? It was never guarded in summer and hardly ever in winter... it was only ever guarded when it snowed. When it snowed, the Watcher, Blickmaer, sat beside the hole.. and... watched. There were of course stories of men who ventured into the hole never to be seen again, but Scrobe knew they were just stories... such things were lies told to stop the adventurous from venturing and so he waited for his chance.

Food was always brought to Blickmaer. Water too and the flowery ale but Scrobe knew that after eating and drinking, there were certain things that must then transpire... so he waited. It was a long process. Whenever nature called, it seemed that others were always around when Blickmaer took his leave, but patience was also one of Scrobe's best attributes and so he waited long hours.

When he finally got his chance, he was quick. He knew he had to be and so he was.. and to the edge of his Magical Entryway he ran. His heart was racing as he looked inside. In summer, it had just looked like any ordinary hole. Nothing special. In fact, for some reason it looked even less than ordinary. But today, the snow inside glistened like liquid magic. He heard footsteps behind him and only half a frantic, muffled cry, as he leapt feet first. He fell through the snow... then there was darkness. He looked up expecting to see Blickmaer shouting angrily at him. There was nothing but blackness.. He looked around and in the distance, what seemed a very, very long distance away, he saw a faint light. And so he walked towards it. The path was straight but narrow. He walked for what felt like hours until he could finally make out what the light was. He was in a tunnel and at the other end, was an iron gate. On the other side of the gate there was a fire...

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