
By ppqwhite

Our weekend guest

Meet Lola, a springer spaniel from the same kennel we got Mac from. She is not quite 1 years old. Lola is Logan's dog who Ross went to nursery with and goes to anchor boys with now. Logan, his Mum and Dad and younger brother Leighton are away enjoying themselves this weekend at Alton Towers so Lola came to stay with us. Mac wasn't too keen on her to begin with due to her coming onto his patch but within about 15 mins they were chasing each other round the garden with their tails wagging. They have been great together.
Very lazy day today. Kevin has been away since early doors first aid volunteering at the Edinburgh marathon. We were going to go to St. Andrews to see my brother but given it was really wet we didn't go. Now I wish we had. It's been a long day. The kids needed a quiet day but now they are climbing the walls.

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