
By CharlotteJ

Baby Ganders!

We had to do the dreaded ‘we need a few bits for the holiday shop’ today.

I dislike shopping centres very much! Too many people shoving and pushing, too many crying children, too many fractious parents and grumpy shop staff is not what I enjoy, but needs must and we were in and out all under 1.5hrs and I came away with a new bathroom blind.

We ended up going a bit of a long way home and past a manmade lake, we thought we would go and have a little look, apart from the cute ducks and geese it was full of people shoving and pushing and too many crying children and fractious parents, shouting at their brood for chasing the geese! We walked the whole lake, which was pleasant enough, I doubt we will visit again!

Home now to the peace and quiet and deciding on what to do for the rest of the day, Chris is eyeing up the weber (hes getting a bit cocky good at weber cooking!), the leg of lamb and all the trimings will no doubt be going on it later.

Happy Bank Holiday weekend for those of you in the UK, make the most of today, its going to rain tomorrow!!


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