Hugo Knox

Today started with a lovely, quiet morning with the space and time to catch up with your journals. The crossword, a bagel and much tea later Dr T and I headed out to see a new John Turturro film Fading Gigolo. Oh my, it was funny! I thoroughly enjoyed it and it had a fabulous soundtrack. Definitely for an older audience.

The evening was spent in very pleasant company watching the Champions League Final. The three of us were together in Hampden back in 2002, the last time Real Madrid won it. Let's just say I prefer underdogs... :-)

Today's photo was taken in a hurry to catch the bus. The wee dog was just too cute to resist. I got a good shot when the dog was on his own four feet but then he turned away, his owner picked him up and I thought this was the shot, made all the better by being in front of an old fashioned sweet shop.

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