George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

We're going to a what?

A dog park? No.... really?

And I can be let off the lead, and run round and round and round like the clappers?

Yes SHE said. And we did. And I did. It was ever so much fun.

I met - 2 miniature pinschers, 2 elderly spaniels, three whippets and a Jack Russell terrier.

It was a lot of fun, and SHE was ever so pleased with me, because I came when I was called, and I didn't stray very far away and - best of all - I didn't get into trouble. And I didn't do any poopies either.

SHE didn't take the black camera thingie into the park because it was our first visit, and (believe it or not) SHE can be a bit timid about such things.

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