I was...
...a little excited this morning as I got to cast my ballot at the polling station. The past few years I've had a postal vote but didn't get round to organising for the European Parliament poll today.
With a postal you don't get the same sense of exercising your democratic right. I like to go to the booth, make my mark with the wee pencil and then put my ballot paper in the box :-)
It was the first time I had voted at this polling place. My polling place was switched to the Scout Hall in 2011 from the Primary School. So the election today was the third time the Scout Hall had been used as the polling place but the first time I had been here...because of the postal votes again.
Anyway job done I headed to Edinburgh for day two of our GOTV operation.
Always a strange one this one as there is no count to go to after polls close..,counting takes place on Sunday after the rest of Europe has voted. So it's a waiting game now.
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