No talkie!

Had another go at Kuldeep in Bangalore or where so ever he came from. They wanted me to do some more Broadband speed testing (the word speed is a joke) Anyhows tested it and it is the wonderful speed of 0.72!!!!!!!! miles below what they or BT claim it is!! so I chewed the face off him and said no more Talk talk and it was going to be Walk walk if they didn't solve this and quick! Then he said he would send a new router! So Off I went to the laundry to collect the mountain of washing that boy of mine had then for a wee plod along the canal where I chanced upon Fraser MacIver who lives in a tiny wee gypsy caravan on the canal banks. Went in and had a good blether and lo that bugger's Broadband was away faster than mine so when I got home it was straight back onto bloody Kuldeep who was by now in deep water and deep shit!
This finally got the response that they were going to get BT to Reset my profile (whatever that means)
Checked how no1 son had packed his case! Honestly he just tipped the entire contents of his drawers into the bloody case! Ive's seen burgled houses that looked neater! What in the name was he thinking when he packed 17 pairs of pants, 24 pairs of socks, 2 pairs of breeks & about 40 T shirts! Had to empty it out and start again! Men!!!
Now about to leave to go to Inveraray to some Bluebell music festival as I promised him I would spend his last night in Argyll in his company! They know how to get at you!
Back home & checked my Broadband speed. Since going online and phoning Talktalk, my speed has mysteriously jumped from a paltry 0.7 to 4.05!!!!

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