You Never Know Until You Try

That you can in fact, build Ikea shelving! I ordered these a week ago, and finally had time to assemble them today. I decided to do it at mum's, as I knew perfectly well nobody would come to my house to help me!

I enlisted my mum to help, but she was quickly overwhelmed, insisting that it was too complicated. Rubbish! 15 minutes later it was complete, and it was very easy! I am really pleased with them, they are a cream colour which will go with everything in my house. Luckily it fit in my car, so my dad came to help me carry it inside my house. Ro and Little B tried to gatecrash, but I was in a rush to go out so she was extremely put out!

I went back to gym tonight. My arms seemed to have recovered sufficiently, and I would have been disappointed not to go. The girls there asked me if I had been ok, and they laughed when I said I have been practically disabled for a week! I continued to work on the same things as last week, and filmed my back walkover and back hip circle on the bars. I was buzzing when I got home, although I've got more bruises from the bar. It's really useful to see it on film, as I can see what I need to do to make it better. My back was a bit sore after the walkovers, and I also perfected a new move- the back walkover into chest roll, oops!

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