
By kevinG

Bag Check

Came to school this morning with only my Math binder, Homework folder, book, and calculator so I didn't need a bag check. Took the picture when talking in the hallway.

Test in Math and Science two periods in a row.

Locker clean out in Gym but I threw out my clothes because they were gross.

Went home after school only to go back for Book of Mormon practice after getting a text. I always forget after school activities.

The security guard gave me a hard time at the door asking why I was there, denying there was a Drama practice, checking, and finally letting me in.

We practiced and I think it looks really good.

Dad picked me up and I went to his house. We got Smashburger. Later Taylor, his girlfriend, came with her son Luca.

Luca and I played an intense game of catch with a water bottle.

There's Greek music playing outside of my window from a church party.

Going to bed now.

Waking up early tomorrow to plant flags in veteran's graves.

See you tomorrow,
Or not,

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