Journey Through Time

By Sue

Picasa Purple Iris

I quick photo walk around the neighborhood and I thought this purple and white iris was so pretty. The stalk was flopped over and the flowers were growing at a different angle than normal, so this one stood out quite nicely, I thought.

A day with sprinkles and when the sun popped out, it felt like a steam bath, it got so humid.

I had to call my aunt and tell her about the Portland Water Bureau putting out a "boil water" alert for the Portland area. She wasn't happy about that! There was a problem with water quality so the water bureau is doing what they are supposed to do and I shouldn't assume, but it probably will be fixed quickly. I called my son also, but he'd already heard about it. This doesn't affect Vancouver....whew!!

So, that's about all the news that's fit to print around here today.

Have a great weekend everyone.

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