Loch Gynack

I have worked here a few times over the last couple of years and I keep on telling Mrs SJR it would be a great place for a walk one day.
We were working on the slopes above the loch today and at lunch break I ventured down to the water’s edge. It was like an RSPB open day; I saw Snipes, Sky Larks, Curlews, Oyster Catchers, Red Grouse and possibly some exotic raptor too.
I also found the hatched eggs of some ground nesting bird. Hopefully the young had all successfully flown the nest.
Late May or not, it was breezy and felt bitterly cold higher up.
The distant peak is Creag Dubh. It is notable for its dark cliff faces –popular with rock climbers- right above the A86 a couple of miles west of Newtonmore.

Have a good week end!

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