Lovely light

There are so many roadworks and building sites on my walk into work (unless I take the highwalk all the way from Wood Street), that I've taken to using some rather dubious 'shortcuts.' Like this one - I'm pretty sure it takes longer to cut up onto the highwalk on this corner near Moorgate/London Wall, but it feels like a psychological shortcut from the messy streets below. The light was beautiful as I rounded the corner here this morning. Even here, you can see all the hoardings surrounding the Crossrail development at Moorgate - but it's a nice peaceful diversion.

Good day at work getting back on top of things a bit. Just as well, as I only have three days in the office next week before going on holiday. Eek!

Popped over to my friend Lizzie's house tonight to deliver the photo book I made for her of baby James's christening pics. It was lovely to get more baby cuddles - and toddler chit-chat from older brother, George. Then hurried home to meet Richard who was coming to see us to give us an update on all the work in our flat. Thankfully we do seem to be nearing the end now - poor Tim is tearing his hair out at just how long it's dragged on for. We were told 2 weeks originally - it's now been more like 10, I think. I've just got used to living in a building site, but Tim's reaching the end of his patience!

Busy evening - ended up not eating dinner until 9:30pm - just about the latest Tim and I have ever eaten, I think! Tasty chicken curry though. And now for the long weekend - hooray!

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