All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Craigmillar Castle

I was planning a quiet morning at home for Ethan and I today. When I asked him what he wanted to do, first of all he wanted to make chocolate brownies. So we did. At least I did - he gave up quickly and just wanted to lick the bowl afterwards!

He then asked if we could go to a castle he hadn't been to before. As it was about 10.45am by then and he had to be at nursery for 1.30pm, we couldn't go too far. So we went to Craigmillar Castle - it was pouring with rain by the time we got there but that didn't seem to bother Ethan. His favourite bit was the dungeon / prison!

I managed to get him to nursery on time, then home to do housework while he was there, before picking him up to take him to football. He got the player of the week shield today. He was pleased about it but admitted "we all just take it in turns to get it"!

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