
By pixelatedpete

like someone had stabbed her in the back

the plan for boxing day had been to drive up to dads and spend a few days there. we were probably running later than we would have liked, but when i walked out to the car to find cathy sitting in the boot, hands on her knees, head bowed, the plan went a little awry.

"like someone had stabbed her in the back" is how she described the sensation as she pushed a bag full of presents into the back seat. something had twisted or turned or otherwise misplaced itself and she couldn't walk unaided. four hours in the car on icy roads became a very unreal possibility.

i put her on a beanbag (it was the most comfortable apparently) in front of Good Night, Mr Tom, called dad - who was very understanding, having put his back out not three months gone - and explained we'd try to make it tomorrow (feeling terrible until i spoke to him - nan iris was his mum), and headed off to the local supermarket to acquire back pain products of which these are just a selection...

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