It's raining it's pouring

What a day
What a night

Charlotte had a totally unexpected unannounced visit from the teething monster last night, she kept saying my tooth, my tooth Calpol and cuddles were very much needed. Luckily William had been fed just before this started and some two hours later when I got back into bed William allowed me a whole thirty minutes before he decided milk was needed.

William awoke at 5;45, Charlotte awoke 5:55! To say the morning was long was an understatement.

Health visitor arrived, passed judgement and left. Little man is now 9,1. I was happy with this weight gain until she said 'of course, if you were BF it would be more?' I asked her how......... No answer came!

Got Munchie to bed after lunch, William too had a sleep. Grandma came with her new doggy. Think it will take a while for her to get used to Charlotte and vice versa, didn't help that we would stuck indoors due to the terrible weather. Eventually grandma, Charlotte and Millie went for a walk in the garden!

Very tired, daddy doing milk, William asleep on me at the moment but hopefully will get him into his bed so I can head downstairs and tidy! Whoop whoop!

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