Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Tummy sleepers

It's hard to believe that at one point in time these two hated tummy time. Now they'd both rather sleep on their tummies than on their backs.
Today is the first time in weeks they have fallen asleep on their own on the duvet instead of sleeping on me. It's nice to be able to sit and relax for a bit without having two babies stuck to me.

We've had a very busy week.
Monday: baby clinic Elliot is now 16lb 1oz and Isaac is now 15lb (time to look into getting the next size car seats!) Asked HV for some advice about the boys sleep and getting them to go to bed at night. Basically she told me to leave them cry and that they have to learn to go to sleep on their own! They can go to sleep on their own as they do quite often in the middle of the night. Was not impressed with this advice times have changed.

Tuesday: we went to Cardiff to see some of the girls from work and meet baby Ollie who is gorgeous. Told work it is 99% certain that I won't be coming back as Mr L has a new job. Financially it's not worth me returning to work at the moment, and Mr L's pay increase means we won't be out of pocket with me not working. I'll go back to working once the boys are in school. I've not handed my notice in yet, I'm waiting on Mr L to get the official job offer through.

Wednesday: we went to Tiny Tots at one of the local churches basically playgroup for under 4s. We've been once before but everyone was so unfriendly that time and the boys were very small at the time and there were lots of bigger kiddies running riot so didn't feel happy leaving them to play on the floor. It was much better this time more children of a similar age and the boys loved it.

Thursday: Mr L went to our friends fathers funeral. James' dad had been unwell for a while and had been having dialysis since the 90s. He recently had both lower legs amputated. Dai made the decision to stop all treatment and take the responsibility off James and his brothers. Sadly this didn't prevent family arguments to do with the funeral. I don't know why people have to interfere when others are organising something! We went to the wake (didn't think a funeral was a good idea with 2 babies) the boys were so well behaved in an unknown, busy and nosy location and were more than happy to go to people for cuddles and take food off everyone (mainly crisps).

Friday: Provided the rain holds off we will be going to our normal Friday play group.

Hopefully if the weather is nice on weekend we will get up to some more fun.

We've had almost an hour of sleep!! I'm in shock this hasn't happened in ages

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