wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Happy birthday to Shelly

The secret I alluded to was a surprise dinner for my friend Shelly. We surprised her at Gather. This is a restaurant that we play in. It was so cool to hear another band. They played a song that I fell in love with. The woman in the middle wrote it. She had heard of us and when I asked if we could learn and sing the song, she said she would be honored. That is the sweetest thing in the world.
In the meantime I had pizza.
Now I am concerned about the state of pizza. We had an caramelized onion pizza with curd cheese and some strange butter thing. It was strange. Very strange.
What happened to pizza? I am not talking about the crap you buy in a cheap chain pizza shop. I am talking about a basic pepperoni or a sausage and black olive pizza. Even a ham and pineapple in a pinch.
. I am not talking about Stouffers French bread pizza. That is in the special child memory vault and still scares me a bit.
Growing up we had a local pizza joint. Well actually a couple.
You could start, continue, and even end a relationship over a hand thrown masterpiece with tomato sauce. Not caramelized onion, pretension . , cheese curd and brown butter glaze.
Watercress? Really?
I once poured a shake over the head of a guy who pissed me off. It was over pizza and it was a waste of a perfectly good chocolate shake.

Karma is a bitch. I wonder if I have received that yet (well there is this whole Crohns thing. Ok karma we are even)
We gave Shelly a wand that said over the hill she was the best in the world. We wore tiaras and laughed. Her husband Steve is the best. He helped get us all together to surprise her.

This is the bottom of the wand. It looks like a memory. Some parts are sharp, others are a bit blurry. The colors are a bit altered, but in my mind it looks like it did when it was being waved by Shelly as we laughed, sang happy birthday I refuse to allow that to be sung to me and ate cake.

I am blessed to be her friend.

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