Reminds me of me

The bob, the specs, the poke of the finger on the bridge of my nose when concentrating. Me. But I'm not blue and I am a woman of mature years. But inside this is kind of what I look like.

Spotted when walking home this evening through the best free public art gallery in Norwich - Pottergate underpass.

It's been a lovely evening spent with Rol and two friends, Jonny and Louisa, at The Bicycle Shop listening to the wonderful Kate Stables (This is the Kit) and Rozi Plain.

Catch them if you can - they are heading toward Edinburgh.

The next time me, Rol, Jonny and Louisa will be together will be Saturday at the wedding of two other friends of ours.

Hope y'all exercised your right to vote today, people.

At the start of the gig Kate Stables wished everyone a 'Happy Voting Day' and hoped we had all folded our ballot papers into something interesting. I found it impossible to keep my mouth shut so said - loudly - "And to those of you who didn't vote (and you know who you are) please don't feel guilty because people died so that you could have the democratic right to vote today". The room fell into a very short but embarrassed silence, and then the band played on.

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