Ever decreasing circles

By Shelleylou71

22nd May 2014

Well not the best of starts to the day with a massive argument between Mr S and I. I guess it had been building for a while. The final straw was me having the audacity to go out last night whilst he had a very busy night at work. So we had a few choice words. His answer to it all was to announce that he wasn't happy and he wants a divorce. So I agreed. If he's not happy, then it seems like it's for the best. He went of for a sulk in the garage and I got a call from the care home. So I left the house without saying goodbye.

Sorted out Dad (he didn't want to go out for the day as he wanted to leave permanently) and half an hour later I was back home. By this time Mr S has calmed down and was behaving as if nothing has happened. He even said about going out shopping and getting some lunch. When I brought up the divorce, he claimed that he realises lunch would be much cheaper so would that be better instead! My husband always speaks before engaging his brain, then has to dig his way of of the mess he creates.

Took the girls with me to vote and had a relaxing evening reading and then jumped in the bath with them. One day they will be too big for us all to share a bath; until then we all squash in together!

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