Just the Withers......

By JaneW

I cannot stand swans ..

Hateful creatures ... I have been chased many times by these evil birds .... However this one was sent into a hissing fit when one of the rowers went past from the boat club this evening ... I think an oar went within 590 miles of his beak so he went BESERK !!! Stupid bird. I remember once on the tow path a swan tried to eat Lucy's shoe,she was in her pushchair at the time,rather than become hysterical and cry like 99% of small children would she went WILD with fury and kicked it in the beak and threw her juice cup at its head .... Lucy is such a lovely little bruiser.
Today Mr W and I circumnavigated the globe in the search of 'The' tent ..... See a bad thing befell my other tent and now it's in the tip ....
When I say the globe I actually mean Go outdoors in Coventry and then Winfields near Redditch ....
Neither had what we wanted so now one has been ordered and delivered to Blacks in town .....

ANYWAY .... That's that .....

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