diary days

By Carie

Another diet!

This one sounds good in the book. The fast metabolism diet. Iam on the fifth day of the first week (it's initially 4 weeks) and it said I might get a bit of a headache from caffeine withdrawal. Wow was that an understatement! The afternoon of the first day no less, it started and by the evening a full blown migraine! So totally out of it the next day and even today it's still in the background. I love coffee and drink double esspressos so guess I'm paying for it big time. Today I am allowed almond milk and nuts plus tons of green veg and meat and some fruits. I have lost some weight but at the moment can't wait to lose the headache and nausea. Everyone says the first week on a detox diet makes you feel lousy so I'm lookkng forward to the energetic vibrant bit that's supposed to follow!

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