Busy busy

Busy at work.
Worth it.
Saved the day.
Major hurdle jumped and something that has been worrying me now signed sealed and delivered.


Greeted by James who was so excited to tell me that he did really well in hs Year 9 Science SAT test ... A 7c which is beyond my expectations and did cause much celebrating and a fair degree of speechlessness!

Baked biscotti - one batch with almond and crystallised ginger, two batches with almonds, orange chocolate and white chocolate chips.

Cooked an utterly lush spag Bol from scratch - James's tea of champions - it was his choice tonight as a reward for making me so proud!

Wine order for delivery in Saturday morning, ready to take some down to my brothers when I visit, along with a pile of the biscotti!

Now, a soak in the bath, more wine and then sleep.

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