
By cowgirl

Buttercups wouldn't melt in her mouth!

Walkies with Jo and Fossey to catch up news - brilliant news from their side ... They might be moving to the Midlands! In fact, they will pretty much be quite comfortable for travelling to all the areas they need to reach by living as close to us as they care to be!! How brilliant is that?! Fingers crossed that Simon gets the job he's being interviewed for ( he's on the forth round of interviews, surely they must want him by now?! ) and if so, they will probably move before us!!

Please, please, please God - I'll be a good girl for ever and ever ... !!

I've back blipped for the last two days, and want to catch up on your journals, but I'm still so knackered. I'm off to bed again now - 8.30pm! I have to work tomorrow too, but hopefully will be able to catch up at the weekend. Hope you are all well. See you soon!

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