A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Wise words from an unexpected source

This morning was pretty bad. Probably I shouldn't have been surprised, I'm sure it wasn't the best morning for many, but I did rather feel that the post-holiday monster had smacked me firmly between the eyes this morning.

Despite loving nursery (and it only being 2.5hrs), Anna spent the night being anxious about the most bizarre things which meant that we were all a little underslept this morning. In our house underslept is a synonym for grumpy. Not helped when Jackson's school shoes no longer fit him at all (how much can a child grow in 2 weeks?!), I forget to take anyone's gloves, Anna has a breakdown in the middle of the playground and I learn that we won't be having any childcare this week which means that I will be squeezing three days work into approximately 8 hours.

Given all of that, I was expecting to be posting a suitably grumpy blip.

However, to cheer ourselves up and as a treat for Anna having a lovely time at nursery we headed to a well known coffee shop for lunch. Even that seemed doomed when I ended up in an "I did", "You didn't" with the cashier over £1. I wished the day a little closer to the end and walked away.

Ten minutes later a very apologetic cashier came over with the disputed £1, having checked the till and realised it was her error. The picture is the front of a card which contains an apology and a voucher for a free drink. It says something about my state of mind today that I was so touched by this I nearly hugged her!

So, onwards and upwards with the rest of the day with a full cup and not wishing it away too soon.

Lesley x

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