Capital adventures

By marchmont


The gasmen finished today, well here anyway. They have been very good, very helpful and very informative. I now have new plastic piping and a new main.

After last night's excitement it was back to normality, certainly as far as the weather was concerned. Cold, cold and wet, 9 degrees at times.

I started off with a catch up coffee with C and then to the office to write up meeting notes. Then home, for the friendly gasman, and more writing up of info for partners.

Tonight I'm out, to NTLive. It is also a significant day, #2 son is 28. How does that make me feel? Last night Marco Biagi asked people not only to look forward 5 years but also to look back to where you were 5 years ago and ask if you would have anticipated being where you are now, then. Mmm, the answer is a resounding NO. But see what I've done in that time and I have 3 great sons and a growing family. Just scary that one is 28!

Shiny is the Angkor Wat necklace I bought in Siem Reap and also the new earrings I bought last week to go with it.

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