Shorter than ever! It's bananas!

Everything goes with short hair. It's bananas.
Ginnifer Goodwin

Before and after 3,5 hours of trimming. I hesitated to make this summery cut this year. It's shorter that ever, but I'm really really glad I did. I think I'll do this every year from now on. We are expected to have week of hot sunshine and our backyard which is my office and my living room during summer, is hot when it's only 15°C. It's facing south and wind hits it from one direction only, so it's very warm for the dogs to spend their days even in the shadows.

I'm expecting to get lots of comments from other dog walkers about this choice, but I don't care. So many breeds get their summer trim, that only because Cavaliers aren't traditionally cut short I don't see why I have to let that stop me from giving them nice cool summer days with short hair that dries very fast. And it grows back. And I think it's very becoming look for Amadeus and Buddha. Nelson's brown spots are now very pale but he doesn't care!

The dogs have been "barffing" BARF(?) for few weeks now. It means that their food is raw meat. I give them raw food about 60-80% and rest dry food. I see the difference in their behavior for the better already. They are happier, no diarrhea, they poo a LOT LESS, no watering eyes, aso.

We started "barffing" because Nelson had lots of issues with his digestion. He had scary bloody diarrhea once a week. Now he's healthy and happy and acts ways that I can't remember when I've last seen him so joyful and energetic.

But if someone cut my hair that shot I would not like at all... Just so you don't get any ideas... :-)

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