Capturing small moments..

By Milli


I’ve been wanting to go see this for a while now, fortunately a few work colleagues were interested in this too, so we decided to make an evening out of it after work.

Momentum is an art installation by United Visual Artists(UVA) at the Barbican Curve Gallery. It’s a carefully choreographed sequence of light, sound and movement, which responds to the unique space of the Curve.

We walked into a darkened gallery in which 12 moving pendulums with changing white lamps projected shadows and planes of light across the walls and floor with calming music playing in the background.

As we walked through, it was almost hypnotic, a little scary at first, as you adjusted to the darkness and the light mist.

The photographs do not do it justice and yes, I still have not bought myself a tripod!

It was a great experience, and a place where you can forget about the humdrum and get lost! Our stomachs overruled after a while and we headed out to get a bite to eat!

(UVA - London-based art practice that combines a wide range of disciplines including architecture, computer programming and technology, engineering, sculpture, performance and design)

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