The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Start as I Mean to Go On....

I shot the first Summer league targets for the Hendon League and I had my first 100/100 for the season, I shoot three cards per round and this round one was 99/100, 99/100 1nd 100/100 not a bad start, but it's getting harder as I will have gone up from Division 4 to either 2 or 3, against even better shots in the country.
My aim is to get to Div 1 but I will need to get much better Ammunition and that will be costly around £15:00 per box of 50, but it will be worth it if I can get to the highest league.

Other news is we have to take delivery of the bathroom suite for the other house tomorrow, and we have to get the caravan ready for the coming week away.

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