
By middaypyjamas


As I was riding to work this morning something strange happened. I was happily riding along when a guy on his bike started to over take me, and here's where it really gets weird, he spoke to me! Social interaction! I was not ready for that. I'm used to tram rides, or supermarkets where no one says anything to anyone, let alone riding on a bike. It was very refreshing. They guy just did the normal small talk "Hi, how are you?", Me: "Alright. Yourself?", "Good thanks, beautiful day". And that was it, he overtook me and continued on his way leaving me mildly shocked but happier having had the interaction.

One thing my mysterious breaker of social norms was right about was the fact that it was a beautiful day, it was gorgeous. Sunny with a bit of warmth but still having some of that autumn cool. Naturally at lunch time I had to escape out into that and so went for a walk through the city ending with me having lunch in the Alexandra Gardens. It was a beautiful hour that I was loath to finish especially to head back into a closed room. However it seems if you're lucky enough to have a moment like that in your day, even if it's just for a couple of minutes, then that can be enough for you to consider yourself one up on that day. To me those few minutes somehow trump the hours trapped inside of our physical and mental workspaces.

The city was still beautiful later in the night too. I know this because I had a few drinks with some of the uni guys after class and rode home at around 11pm to find that the beautiful day had turned into a beautiful night.

- Damian

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