How it all began!

Two weddings and a Blip habit!
Just over three years ago Trev and I were in Amalfi celebrating a wedding anniversary by staying in the same hotel we had stayed in for our honeymoon. Tam and Jim were due to get married in a few weeks and I needed a handbag sized camera.
The little pink one was in a window. I bought it.
Back home we had our first blipmeet. You can see it on the blipbook.
At the wedding I used the camera. There is one of the results.
And I've been blipping ever since.

So much has happened in the three years. More blipmeets; lots of new events happening to blippers; new babies; new dogs (hello Misty and Gus)New partnerships; new houses. I am thrilled for you all, but have decided just to name the dogs.
Next year I aim to improve my photos. Watch this space, but don't hold your breath!
Thank you all. Thank you Blipcentral.

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