Purple Finch

Bolder color in large!

I used to see this purple finch resting on the side of this feeder occasionally. But it never failed, as I got closer he would panic and take off. Not many of the birds around here have been able to evade me, but this colorful one had, until today that is. My guess is that the feeder he so love to nap on (or stake claim to) had recently been claimed by a Grosbeak couple. They too, just parked-it on the sides of the feeder and wouldn't budge... a bit like Mr. Purple Finch used to do. But being the smaller bird, he's had to give up his post. Then today, when I came along, my presence scared off the Grosbeaks. Mr. Purple was then happy to put up with me for the first time. He willingly hung out while I clicked away and he munched away...

I guess, like most things, it's all a matter of perspective... ;-)

As I was reviewing my shots of him, I found that I had captured a flighty moment. It was a bit of a surprise to see, as I really don't remember him leaving the feeder... but I guess he must have!

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