Swimming serenely

Ro'n i'n gwylio ar yr hwyaid bore 'ma. Maen nhw'n edrych fel maen nhw'n nofio yn dawel, ond o dan y dŵr mae llawer o waith yn digwydd. Mae amser cyffrous gyda fi heddiw. Dw i'n ymweld ag Eglwys Dewi Sant ger fy ngwaith dros amser cinio. Dw i erioed wedi bod yna o blaen. Cwrddais i â'r offeiriad yna, a siaradon ni tipyn bach yng Nghymraeg. Roedd e'n gyfeillgar a chroesawgar iawn. Roedd e'n ddiddorol i geisio esbonio'r math gwahanol o urddiad Bwdist iddo fe - yng Nghymraeg. Ro'n i'n hapus iawn i gael siawns i siarad - ac yn teimlo bod beth ro'n i'n dweud wedi gwneud synnwyr. Roedd hi'n sgwrs go iawn - rhywbeth eitha newydd i mi.

I was looking at the ducks this morning. They look like they are swimming quietly, but under water there is much work going on. I had an exciting time today. I visited St. David's Church near my work, over lunch. I've never been there before. I met with the priest there, and we talked a little bit in Welsh. He was very friendly and welcoming. It was interesting to try to explain the different types of Buddhist ordination to him - in Welsh. I was very happy to have the chance to speak - and feel that what I was saying made ​​sense. It was a real conversation - something quite new to me.

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