Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Honestly, my didication is second to none. So much effort with all these photos. Literally in my pyjamas doing bugger all.

So college was pretty messy, me and Sarah ended up scrubbing the floor with a nail brush and a cloth. That was just to get the paint splatters off, but damn that floor is clean. We are just getting everything ready for our exhibition on Friday which is a little bit crazy. Thankfully I've finished all of my work but some of us are still doing last minute touches.

I'm so scared that Vanessa is going to fall over off her plinth and smash all over the floor and I won't be able to control it because she's behind glass. Oh I am so scared she is so very large and delicate. But I'm hoping that when I sand her bum down to a flat base she'll be really sturdy. Nightmare.

Tomorrow I'm just carrying on with various college-y things. Trying to be a dedicated student but secretly counting down to when I don't have to think about it anymore and I can just enjoy having like three months off or whatever until uni. Which is a whole other ball game to think about.

Happy Blipping

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