'The Chimney' and Gatehouse

To enter Jesus College from Jesus Lane, Cambridge, you walk down a walled pathway known as 'The Chimney' probably named from the tall, ornate brick chimneys that once adorned the Gate Tower, to which it leads. Henry VII authorised the founding of the college in June 1496, on the site of the defunct Benedictine Nunnery of St Radegund. Today I have been shopping in Newmarket and intended today's blip to be in that area, but as I took a shopping trolley and only a small bag, I forgot to include my camera with my sunglasses, reading glasses (so I can see the incredibly small print of the prices) umbrella, bottled water, socks for trying on shoes, sun hat, raincoat, a handful of tissues, oh and money and bus pass! Well, you never know what you might need!

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