
By trabroun

Ne'er day

New Years Day and time for a cool refreshing walk to wake up the brain cells, recharge the soul and blow away the cobwebs. i.e. get your lazy butt out of the house and take the dogs for a walk after your rather long night last night.

Long, why was it a long night? Well instead of indulging in the old vino calapso, we were a taxi service for S, who thankfully at 03.00hrs requested a lift home. We thought she'd be partying away, nup, watching Top Gear at a friend's house aargh!

The snow is still lying and freshened up with a new delivery over the past few hours. The world in lovely and bright and clean, long may it last.

However when we were heading off to the woods to let the dogs run freely, we had awareness that we were not alone Big Foot was around This person was either vertically challenged and wearing big wellies to compensate or was / is very well endowed in the feet department!

Happy New Year Blippers

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