Big Hill

By bighill

Just for a change...

it snowed all day here today!

We got almost a foot of very wet heavy looked pretty awesome once it stopped, around 4.30pm.....but by that time poor Terry had gotten himself and the plow stuck in the driveway! the snow was just so heavy!!!! anyway, after quite some time he managed to get himself i'm just trying to convince him not to head back out there to try again !!!!

An addendum: he's just couldn't's now 9.30pm and he's off with his headlamp and god knows whatelse, to move the chains from the front wheels of the truck to the back....hopefully it'll work!!!

it's now monday morning....the lines shown here are the washing line out back.....well what used to be the washing line....i guess the snow was too heavy and brought the whole damn thing down during the night!!!

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