My Long Term Memory

By marinakari

Too Many Admirers

Love and hormones are blazing everywhere :)

This gang -happening was carried out this morning at small island near Kotka, where we went to have brunch after check up at ear doctors.
All is well with ear, dizziness is almost gone now. My hearing has improved nicely
This duck -business dropped our jaws on ground. It kind of looked quite harsh for that poor ( or happy?) female, but she didn't seem to mind at all.
It started ordinarily way. There were this duck couple riding piggyback in water, but soon their action drawn three single males to harass the couple. So female got up from water, her companion and three admirers hanging on back of her neck with their beaks. They all started run around on a rock until the female was buried under all four males. Whole happening lasted only few minutes and then those single males left leaving happy couple in peaceful state.
They all were so enthusiastic and focused that I don't think they even noticed we were there too. Wild! :)

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