Flower pot mam
Today I played my joker, and am now (apparently) the undisputed champion of Mams. The years of care and devotion and the near constant worrying are nothing, it seems, next to chocolate brioche in a flower pot.
The project that must not be named is looking more certain, which is brilliant, but also troubling due to our not wanting to jinx things and therefore being wholly unprepared. I must tackle that tomorrow, after I've painted the bathroom ceiling and some rose petals. I must also set up TallGirl's birthday present (iPad mini) which I've been putting off since setting up our new iPad, which needed a four hour software update. Tsk. There are now too many i-devices in the house for me to keep up with the updating. Especially since today's stormy weather means my computer is turned off.
Lots of trees down today, making every journey longer than usual. One half tree in our park was too big for me to move, but our neighbour was delighted to get out there in the raging storm with his chainsaw, despite my suggestion that we wait for some of the others to get home from work. They're just crazy for power tools round here.
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