Lights Out

These solar owls will shine no more in the dark! Having been left outside all winter, water has got into their battery compartments and behind their eyes, so they won't work as they should. However, I'm happy to leave them in the garden as ornaments, so they won't be cast out:-)

A lovely sunny day today, so it was a toss up between going out somewhere or doing some more work in the garden - and the garden won! I cut the grass in the orchard and wildlife garden (very grand terms for a few fruit trees and a couple of ponds:-)) and my husband tackled the much larger lawn. He also topped up the ponds as the water levels were very low and cleaned out some guttering, while I was resting with my feet up. I know my limits:-)

While I was cutting the grass, I became aware of a very pungent smell in the air and thought something must have died in the bushes. Further investigation revealed the culprits as two rowan trees in flower at the moment. What a very unpleasant smell and they may be for the chop soon, as they are also growing too close to other trees. Can't see the point of having smelly plants in a garden, when there are many with a lovely scent:-)

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