CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Taken by Surprise

I had been out for an hour in the warm sunshine 'blip hunting' and felt I had a few good images. On the way home, along a narrow country road, two deer slowly crossed in front of me. They disappeared through a gap in the wall. I stopped opposite the gap and, lo and behold, they were standing just inside the field. I grabbed my camera, quickly wound down the passenger window, and took the shot. By the time I reached for my longer lens they were gone.

It was a genuine heart stopping moment (speaking figuratively, especially after yesterday's blip). I had seen deer at a distance out on the hills before but never this close.

There was no question which image I would choose, but if you would like to see some others, head over to my Flikr set, Summer in May .

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