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We picked Simon's mum up and took her to Rhythm Time with us - typical, biased, Nanny said Minnie was the most pretty and alert baby there ;)

We then headed to Packington Farm for lunch - nosy Minnie smiled at all the ladies on the adjoining tables and was positively angelic eating her lunch. She's well into her food at the minute, every meal sees her emptying her bowl and grabbing her finger food snacks do that's good news. We then popped to Sainsbury's as there was 25% off the clothes - bikini, shoes and a scarf for me and romper suits for Minnie.

We came home and rather than a nap Minnie stayed awake. Simon and his Dad finished work early so grandad had lots of cuddles - she has him wrapped right round her little finger. They are coming to Cornwall with us in a couple of weeks and they can't wait for all that time with Minnie

Missing her nap meant that Minnie fell asleep mid pudding at dinner time in her high chair. I let her sleep there and when she woke half an hour later we did bath and bedtime. I was shattered so I fell asleep once Minnie had had her bottle. Writing this on Wednesday morning I am feeling back to 'normal' after a few weeks of feeling positively pooped :) hooray for unbroken sleep!

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