THIS is a twinkie? this is Sugar's reaction to her first moment with a Hostess Twinkie. Funny story. My girl is reading a rather large and exciting book right now, and in it they mentioned twinkies. She asked me what they were and I explained. Then quite nearly a day or two later we stop into a local store to grab a few things and I hear her exclaim, " are some twinkies!" I asked her if she wanted to get a pack, and she looked at me like I had grown two more heads. I said, "Everyone should have a twinkie at least once." She smiled and put it in our basket. I couldn't wait to capture her first thoughts. She was happy about the cream on the inside, but thought the whole thing was rather "meh". My girl is not a big sweet eater. I don't think she thought she had been missing out of anything special. I'm glad.

That really was the highlight of our Monday. Nothing much else to report. The Hubby is still gone at sea Shrimping. He is up north, and we aren't sure when he'll be back.

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